Friday, November 11, 2011


Jill and I went to see FOLLIES back in September.  What an amazing show!!  It's the epitome of true Broadway!  I have to send a shout out to Jill for hooking us up with great seats.  We were literally rows from the stage.  I've been lucky enough to see Bernadette Peters perform a few years ago but our seats this time made it like our own private performance.  I've never seen an audience react like they did for FOLLIES.  Literally after every number the crowd was on it's feet.  There were at least 15 standing ovations for the various cast members which included: Jan Maxwell, Danny Burstein, Ron Raines, Terri White, Elaine Paige and Jayne Houdyshell. From the quality of the voices, the music, the costumes and the dancers...I loved every second of it!! It ends January 22nd so go see it soon!!  Discount tickets are available here!

To watch Jill's Word of Mouth Review, click on this link:

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