Monday, March 19, 2012

Feast of San Gennaro

Through the streets of Little Italy lies the Feast of San Gennaro.  The last time I had attended this festival, I was in my teens.  It's packed with families, teenagers and people who can deal with crowds.  I'm not one of those people so my friend and I opted to get cocktails from two different restaurants which allowed us to get off the streets.  We had some pricy glasses of wine at Umberto's Clam House (132 Mulbery St) then ended the night at ChaCha's (113 Mulberry St).  ChaCha's is where we'd go after high school dances and prom because they never carded us.  All these years, the place still looks the same.  We ate our way through the festival and went home.  Let's just say, I don't need to go back for a few years.

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