Friday, March 25, 2011

Priscilla Queen of the Desert - GOOD TIMES!!

Went to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert last night with Jill, Laura & Donny.  It was a lot of fun, the songs made you want to get up & dance and the story was cute!  Great crowd, lots of laughs (especially at the lady in front of us) and tons of electric colors.  It was a so great to see Will Swenson who played Berger in HAIR.  In addition, Tony Sheldon & Nick Adams were great.  Side note: my friend Jill and I are HAIR obsessed.  Seeing Will perform again was like seeing an old friend up on stage.  Here's a video of Will Sweson & Gavin Creel (another favorite):

This song is dedictated to Jenn & Carl!!!

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