Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Me, Jill, Laura & Donny went to see Ghetto Klown on a Tuesday night.  I knew John Leguizamo would be funny but I didn't know he'd be "wet your pants" funny.  We had a blast!!!  John gives you an inside look into his personal life as well as his professional career in Hollywood.  John is the four R's....raunchy, real, raw and a riot.  The show ended its run in New York but it will be performed from September 30th thru October 16th in LA.  Please go see it!!!  Check out this link if you want more information.  I'll tell you this much, I'll never look at a subway map the same way :-)

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled across your blog I love it! You have got to check out this new site City Maps. It is an interactive map of Manhattan and Brooklyn. I'm sure you'll love it!
