Wednesday, February 13, 2013


On December 13th, my #broadwaybuddy and I went to see Annie.  I was sooooo excited to see this show as it was my absolute favorite as a child.  In fact, "Tomorrow" was the first song I taught myself to sing after watching the original movie a million times, I'm adopted and my mother bought me a porcelain black Annie doll.  This production was a lot of fun even with an understudy as Annie.  My favorite performer was Anthony Warlow as Daddy Warbucks.  I wasn't thrilled with Katie Finneran but I didn't think she was as bad as her reviews.  I guess I'm just used to Carol Burnett's brilliant comedic timing.  The orphans were adorable and I commend the kids for owning the stage.  I recommend this heartwarming show for kids of all ages.  To get cheap tickets, check out this link:


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