Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Disney World - The Happiest Place on Earth

My childhood best friend Erin and I went Disney World for Cinco de Mayo.  Good Lord did we have a good time!!  I was able to get us a free room by signing up for a timeshare presentation via Wyndham Resorts.  The hotel was beautiful!!  Our room, bathroom, the grounds, the pools and the people were all top notch.  The only negative was the length of the presentation.  What should've been a few hours literally last 5 hours.  It was so long that we missed our dinner reservation and I was borderline tearing up but in the end, it was worth it.  I highly recommend the resort!!  There was free transportation to & from the parks and you were able to buy your park passes in the hotel lobby.  Erin and I went to Deep Blu (restaurant in the hotel) for dinner.  Amazing food!!  Later in the evening we went to Jelly Rolls (at Disney's Boardwalk Resort) until closing.  I had been there several times and knew it was a guaranteed good time.  On Cinco de Mayo we went to Bongos Cuban Cafe for drinks and Paradiso 57 for dinner.  On Sunday we went to Epcot and drank our way through the countries.  Of course this doesn't compare to the Food & Wine Festival but it was still a ton of fun.  Needless to say, we weren't feeling too hot on Monday.  Disney can be done on a budget...even as 34 years olds, we managed to find happy hour specials, park discounts and bargained for cab rides.  I've been to Disney over 30 times and I'll never get sick of it. 

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